Friday, August 20, 2010

What trustable site has the best deal on computers?

??????? like desktops for gaming or you know computers hahah

What trustable site has the best deal on computers?liveupdate

heres a good site, you can build one, or just pick one out and have any upgrade ya want added..........

or.........newegg, tigerdirect.........they usually always have some good deals going on pc's...........


What trustable site has the best deal on computers?nortin
ive spend years learning about computers and overall the best price and quality wise is there very well priced, the have lots of options to choose form and overall theres few flaws with them unlike cyberpower

Im a customer and VERY pleased with how much you have to choose from compared to other well known computer companies like Dell. Prices are not bad either.
In my experience i will say bestbuy, they have great deals for a really low price, for example go to dell, hp, sony or any other seller a build a computer with the same components of a pc that you like in bestbuy and he price will be around 2 or 300 more expensive in that other place.
tiger direct

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