A few days ago, AP %26 Reuters headlines stopped appearing on two different dek top computers at home. Says ''no new item in 24 hours'' Also does not appear when I use Opera (as well as Explorer). Is it a windows setting or recent update? Or is it Yahoo?
AP %26 Reuters not appearing on my.yahoo home computers?download
It is a sporadic recurring problem in the last few weeks (I've had situations where one of my computers gets the feeds and another in my lab next door does not).
I emailed support about the problem, and they are aware of it; as far as I understand it does not relate to any settings at our end (and every once in a while it seems to fix itself, sometimes only to re-emerge on the same or other computers).
From Yahoo support on April 10th:
-------------------- excerpt from their reply ------------
I understand that you are not getting updated news on your My Yahoo! page and apologize for the same.
Please be assured that we are aware of this problem with the new My Yahoo! page and are working to fix it. We ppreciate your reporting it to us -- your input helps us identify ways to constantly maintain and improve our services.
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